
Catch me if you can

With my own mix of cultures, languages, references and beliefs, I do not fit anywhere.
I am both and neither. I have never felt comfortable being a part of a group.

As I travel, I experience the acceptance of a perpetual and ongoing change.
It helps me to escape from fixed and immobile feelings.
I accept to play.

© Per Hüttner

In this country people, because of a deep connection to a tradition of sobriety, find themselves suscribing to the idea that the less you talk, the more you signify.

© Per Hüttner

In Sweden people parade around naked in the sauna but they would rather die under torture than express their intimate feelings at a party. Only alcohol can sometimes alter this situation.

Dixit a very good friend of mine that invited me for a dinner deluxe at his place last saturday. Damn he's so right.

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