
Morning and grey, cool & collected, safe.

A lot of things have happened since my last record "Songs for Herr Nicke".

I quit my job at the Embassy, moved from Stockholm to Gothenburg, I have bought two flats (sold one), I have had two really LAME jobs, i wondered, i wandered, got fed up so I eventually started my own company. I tried an open relationship for a few weeks (didn't work). And finally I have been accepted to Gbg Film School at a Masters program in Film Production.

All these things combined have obviously had a huge impact on my everyday life.
When I listen to my first album it feels far away. To be completely honest, I fucking hate it right now.

I am really excited about my new record though. Every single second of it blows my mind.

In it there are :

Ukuleles, guitars (electric and folk), drums, bass, charengos, viola de gamba (an old old cello type), laughters, shouts, mimicked robots, clapping hands, another story about a monkey that also refers to Nietzsche's Horse, another reference to The Catcher in the Rye, a song for the girl next door, crispy sounds and shit loads of backing vocals. Lots of love, raw power and anger. A song for Valerie Solanas. Subverted hippie-isms.

It's a lot about everyday routine.

It was recorded by Eric Zahn who is like the kindest and smartest person to work with.


Anonymous said...

I'm really eager to hear your new work

a plus

Anonymous said...

i still really like your first album though ! :)
looking forward to hearing your new works,too.


Anonymous said...

ça veut dire que c est pour tout bientôt ? j ai hâte d entendre à nouveau ta voix.
plein de courage et de la douceur du soleil du sud.

Anonymous said...

Salut vieille branche,
Alors, qué tal? (la question vaut aussi pour moi...)
Je viens d'atterrir chez les voisins danois, à Kobenhavn (Absolut!) pour quelques années, finis les moustiques et la jungle. J'espère que t'es toujours intraitable sur le hareng et les korvs!
Putaing que ça fait drôle de bosser 40h par semaine!
Moi je suis pas d'accord avec les commentaires précédents: si ton premier album était crap, faut pas en sortir un second! :-)
Je te préviens si Copenhague envoit bientôt son consultant sur Göteborg.

Anonymous said...

So when is it comin out ?!

Jag längtar efter dig och din musik!